Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What Happens When You Try to Write a Book about Super Soldiers,
An In Depth Analysis of the X-Men as our Future and a guide to Exotic Black Projects,
or a preview of a much larger encyclopedia about these topics:
THE BOOK: Part 1
by Frank Zero
(You’ll never guess the color of my hat)

This PDF is an invitation, or provocation, or whatever it takes for a more comprehensive study and understanding of this phenomenon to take place in a central book or website format so people can understand it.THIS IS MY LITERAL AGENDA. Illustrated version of data     Illustrated wiki of soldier profiles

     I initially had no direct interest, voluntary pursuit, or scholarly aim, (as I’m sure any reasonable person would guess) to wind up as the guy who researches"super soldiers."Being raised in a home where military history surrounded me, particularly World War II, and having my own separate passion for the paranormal and occult, I instinctively followed a fifteen year long path of interest in everything from grey aliens to comic book super soldier serums.

    When, for the last two years, I got lost in the study of allegedly real super soldiers, I noticed a recurring pattern which seemed to call out for me to notice it. I cannot tell you if I’m wasting my time, and hell, you could be wasting your time reading this. However,
something funny happened on the way to the conspiracy shop which I could have never guessed would manifest. The stories, dates, locations and methods being used for mind control to create super soldiers in the world of comics was word for word the way it was supposed to occur in real life; according to the testimony of self-described super soldiers. Although this seems like a case of a script writers stealing a fascinating story and set of ideas, everything was eerily specific to the real thing. This realization began to dawn on me while working on my cartoon themed chapter for The Sync Book 2, called Saturday Morning Vision Quest. I started seeing the themes and methodology everywhere. Suddenly Spider Man’s animated buddies were a mouth full of RFID fear porn and nanotech predictive programming. I started watching and reading everything I could on the subject, while movies like The Bourne Identity and SALT came out in the theaters, Le Femme Nikita made a return to television, and the show XII seemed to be trying to tell yet another story with all the little details and random ideas that happened to match different aspects of individual super soldier stories.

      When I asked Laurence Fishburne why all his characters wear purple, he said:"sometimes people just look too hard for what they want to see, and they see it everywhere."And when I asked James Rink and James Casbolt what was up with the themes in the
X-Men in comparison to real-world projects they have written about, they could only admit that it was bizarre that these shows and movies came out during the years that the programs were taking place. So, it’s not that someone was influenced by a movie and decided that they were a super soldier, or that a writer was inspired by a Project Camelot interview, but rather that these parallel fields coexisted in a bubble as if they were unaware of the other. The same time, but one in fiction and the other in real life. Supposedly.
     What capped the whole synchronistic journey off for me, and made it almost fully unbelievable, was two unrelated fictional worlds that spoke directly to this material. They were passionate about this material even if it was all supposedly made up; two fake worlds that were drawing freakishly close to the present reality here in our collectively agreed upon real world. These two fictions aligned, without question, to the tales of (soldier 137) and James Casbolt, and the projects which they claimed to have been involved in from a very young age. The fictions are the X-Men comic book mythology and the video game series, Call of Duty: Black Ops. I can only imagine that, you, the reader, is now putting two and two together and getting a clear picture:"So, these guys basically read a bunch of comics and saw a bunch of movies and made up a little story for themselves, one which makes them appear more powerful or cooler or less lonely than they actually are?"(And that should be the end of that, right?) Unfortunately, I don’t think that is a correct assessment of things. If aspects of it are, it certainly does not pertain to the whole group. As to whether these fictions would be purposely used as a kind of childhood programming device to help a victim disassociate from actual trauma or abuse is unknown. The sometimes self-appointed experts on mind control have promoted a list of Disney movies and pop songs that are used in conjunction with trauma based mind control programming; though these ideas are still fairly abstract and currently hold the most water among the more mentally malnourished corners of the internet.

“Super Soldier”

     Super soldier is a term which the individuals involved in the community absolutely despise, so much so that each will constantly spend the time to clarify, in podcast after podcast, that what they actually do has nothing to do with Hollywood’s version of super soldiers and cyborg assassins. What can be understood from all of their stories, when collected together, is that each person has a special skill set. These are often either technological or biological skills that are based on a specifically selected genetic palette.

      It cannot go without saying that super-men and super soldiers were the foremost obsessions of the Nazi eugenics program. The occult beliefs leading to the genocide of World War II were similarly concentrated on creating a superman. More wars led to more need for
special-special-forces. With the advent of the Cold War and the simultaneous and explosive growth of the intelligence community, there was a need, or at least a desire, for creating the super-spy, super-seductress, and super-occultist. The mere idea of these creatures created a worldwide panic in the intelligence community which fueled the development any kind of advanced human they could possibly make.

    State run media outlet Pravda has reported on unverifiable experiments on soldiers in Russia before WWII which were intended to eliminate pain and to replace some bones with metal, although the experiments reportedly (and obviously) ended in horrible failure and loss of life. The American government has attempted every psi-power and remote viewing technique on the planet, only to essentially replace them with super technology a few years later. The race toward an uber man really hasn’t been disrupted as we’ve only switched from human power to machines power. Before, it seemed that we wanted to be as big and productive as machines. According to the information from the soldiers, almost all of these super soldier programs are Nazi in origin. The Nazis biggest concern, after taking over the world
without anyone realizing it, was continuing their plans toward a creation of a superman. It is only one among literally countless other projects; some of which are unbelievable in scale, reach, and influence. These programs may have started, and certainly stayed under Nazi direction, as part of an overall search for eternal life. The Nazis gave us supreme propaganda, television, radio, space travel, space stations, false flag war protocols, human cataloguing and farming systems, and super soldiers, but you can just call all that Project Paperclip if it helps you sleep at night.
    One can easily see, from the way we plan to technologically modify ourselves in the next few decades, that we have no intention of fully realizing what it is to be human. As science"illuminates"and mystifies with a spark of perspective and understanding, it is co-opted by the military and industrial desires of the state. This may include wiping out races, modifying food (poisoning natural cycles of nature), keeping track of people in the technocratic nightmare we’ve apparently already signed up for, and accepting the Avatar, Surrogate, or super soldier program willingly. In other words: the elite, so often fantasized about by conspiracy junkies, have wanted a way to control the entire populace, and have their personal bodyguards and private armies, created and modified through technology, since in the 40s. They have made that abundantly clear. A distinguished Aldous Huxley gave a disenchanting introduction to students of Harvard so many years ago, outlining this technocracy, this Orwellian theme park. And like the other CIA LSD cult leaders of the 60s, we admire his honesty. Or is it his lack of empathy? This is now a reality. Anything that can track you can control you.

      In the modern super soldier world, the macho imagery which many of the male super soldiers insist on displaying on their websites and books, and sometimes even in their patterns of speech, may come off as arrogant, or in some cases just plain fake. As much as I wanted to believe these people, and tie what fragments of their stories together, in any ‘comic book logic’ way that I possibly could, I was reminded daily that some of this was just preposterous; and that I may be willingly diving into the weirdest and most extreme corners of the internet and human psychology.

     At times this field really does make you feel like paranoia and pure imagination are assets in finding the truth, and though they may be tools for larger truths, they are hindrances in any place where science is entirely absent. (Not just the fascist mouthpiece arm of atheist armageddon mongerers that science has become, but real, meaningful, true and tested science.)

     The fans of super soldiers use devices to see if someone has had a microchip implanted, or to read an aura, but nothing approaching actual proof that a MILAB (military abduction) has taken place, or a single video showing one of these people doing anything out of the ordinary. In fact, some of them spend so much time telling stories and sensationalizing all the exotic aspects, that it becomes insulting to the small group of people trying to understand these stories; the ones who are honestly searching for any kind of truth or even cohesive mythology.

     Right when you want to begin to believe their heart wrenching and traumatic experiences, you can’t help but notice the occasional joking grin or complete confusion (utterly mentally"wiped"it seems) during video interviews, as well as the hours spent giggling through podcasts with people who have neither a scientific, military, paranormal, or occult framework for exploring these experiences. There is a lingering contradiction in their tone, often going from helpless victim to confident and collected drill sergeant. Their personalities are not easy to organize, and gaining their trust so that they feel that they can speak honestly about their experiences, (for those plagued with playing the part of researcher) is often impossible, time consuming, and I won’t hesitate to say, can drive even the most keen researcher or cross-trained super soldier into mental shambles. I mean, this stuff is dark, depressing, hopeless, and a rabbit hole that can be impossible to climb out of. Some that make it out wind up on New Age cloud land, where nothing will ever make sense again, but Lordy are those cult people nice!

     Besides the part any journalist or researcher has to play to get the story, this one"story"took years of listening, interviewing, watching, reading, interviewing again, to get what you’re reading all in one place. It is also in that capacity that I made very good friends with most of the people you can find easily on youtube under"super soldiers."I would be lying if I didn’t notice they (almost) all are completely sure they have broken their"
programming"showed up their handlers, ascended or healed and claim freedom in a field where there seems to be almost no real gauge of control.

     Alien abductions, military experiments, gang stalking and black helicopters: this is some of the most disturbing data a person can willfully throw themselves in the middle of. But I didn’t write this to discourage you, or detail my personal complaints about a field of study I was warned against thoroughly, I wrote this paper because I wanted to know the truth. In the exact same manner that I worked for so long looking into alien abductions, I was convinced something unexplainable was also happening to these people, and it needed to be looked into. (At any rate, the similarities between the two fields, alien abductees and super soldiers, are quite alarming!)

         When a researcher takes on a project like this, it should be stated and likewise fully understood that the object of asking the questions asked in this work, and giving the answers as they were and voiced by these individuals recorded by me, is NOT to coax secrets out of military or private organizations who wish to remain secret, it is NOT to summon down the aliens to give us the all the answers and save us from ourselves, and it is certainly NOT to simply scare the reader into never leaving their front porch and thinking that these shady military groups are after YOU.

          You could have just as easily read a Stephen King horror novel or watched one of those mind numbing torture films, but instead you’re here. I thank you and warn you to hold on, this will get bumpy and make less sense by the time you’re done with it, and that doesn’t change regardless of who you are or what you think you know.

           The term super soldier is used on all radio interviews, and the only public convention for this sort of thing is the"Super Soldier Summit"(it has just wrapped up its second year) which uses an image of a robot running on a beach in its promotional material; an image which is calls to mind the super soldier video game HALO. Regardless of their attempt to avoid ridicule, many of these individuals have resorted to putting images from
Universal Soldier or photoshopped"buff"images of themselves on their websites and upload short 20-second weightlifting videos of themselves on Youtube. They hold martial arts seminars where there is little evidence of their"super-skills."Some of these people are now my friends and were very helpful in research and are even more reasonable and intelligent than most folks you see out on the street. They understand the depth of their outrageous claims and are looking for real answers. Other individuals are altogether rude, alien-like, paranoid, inconsistent and concerned only with making money from their alleged experiences. This second type of"super soldier"are wildly sensitive and are seemingly used, or decide on their own, to target, annoy, distract, and ridicule victims, survivors, and researchers until they give up on the subject altogether.

           I certainly don’t resent the time I have spent with the individuals who make these claims; researching their stories and imagining their fantastic circumstances and dilemmas was quite interesting for me. It was not an easy route to take. If you don’t believe me, feel free to blanket yourself in hours of the British Bases series, AMMACH interviews, or maybe the American Project Camelot, and invest the number of days it takes to listen to extreme ideas of dolphin-human hybrids and remote viewing of colonies on mars until it becomes somewhat cohesive. It is very easy to listen to an hour and a half of one of these interviews and say,"This is all madness. It is made up science fiction and it’s hogwash."It takes some effort to sit down and say to yourself,"No, let me hear the whole story, regardless of how fantastic it is,"as Miles Johnston, James Rink, and myself have attempted.

          For those looking for tight knit stories, or hour long mysteries, which are solved by the end of the episode, this is not what you want to be researching. For those looking for a cohesive framework with which to understand what’s happening, or what these people claim is happening to them, one might find it nearly impossible to sketch out the pattern at first. But there are still those brave
Fox Mulder type weirdos who will dig even in the most insane places for truth, for some perspective on the fringes of human understanding and psychology, and I have always been one of those people. I ask you to think for yourself, but without judgment, and sip the punch with me, for a moment, and with the full understanding that you can toss this document in the recycle bin whenever you feel uncomfortable. Maybe Charles Fort himself would have dropped the subject, but for one reason or another I have continued. I’m asking you to come down the wormhole, just this once, not as a liberal or democrat, believer or skeptic, conspiracy theorist or information addict, but as an intellectual astronaut braving new terrain; a sort of secret agent viewing a document which can never be spoken about, for fear that their life may be at stake!

       This paper will attempt to demystify some aspects of the phenomenon of super soldiers, and relate it to extant documentation (which is sparse at best) and the fictions that overlap with it. Though relating these people’s stories to fiction may seem like a technique to discredit them, I assure you this weight in connectivity has been the only thing holding my research together because it bridges the unbelievable with the creative. Whereas any previous attempt at going for straight facts in this area had left me utterly confused and frustrated with the loose ends, this approach allows for the untrue or confused realities and identities to be examined. When all these stories are unraveled in one place, I can only hope that even more conclusive comparisons can be drawn. In other words, I don’t have the story straight, but I’ll let you in on a little Super Secret: nobody does! So, this is an attempt at just getting the story. What is the mythology? How do these things work? Who made them, and why? This work is concerned with a cohesive set of ideas, not proving any one person’s story. This way, whether you are a veteran researcher or picked this up by accident, you can know that this is my best attempt at telling the whole story, or if you rather, explaining a whole field within fields of unknown data.

Down the Rabbit Hole                                 

       I first became interested in the idea of super soldiers when skimming through Project Camelot interviews on the internet. At the time I was taking the experience of alien abduction seriously enough to look into it in a major research capacity. All other borderline conspiracies would stay on my radar, however, and some topics like time travel and Project Bluebeam seemed too far-out to be researching at that time, especially under the light of simply attempting to understand what was happening to alien abductees. When looking at super soldiers, the commonalities that span from alien abductees to super soldiers to other victims of mind control and satanic ritual abuse victims (SRA), and what are contemporarily known as"targeted individuals,"are quite astounding. Some of the things that seem very common to both phenomena are the removal and manipulation of memories and memory structure, the implantation of screen memories, lost time, PTSD, scars appearing while asleep, tagging with microchips, and believe it or not, different kinds of aliens or trans-dimensional beings.

       Both super soldiers and alien abductees may have parents or families lines which are involved in the military or intelligence community. Both groups initiate the experience at a young age. Both show a high rate of abuse among children. Often times, this is sexual abuse or a very heavy-handed physical training of some kind. All these groups of people also exhibit a high percentage of psychics, or people trained or groomed from childhood to be psychic or perform remote viewing. They are often told that the powers are removed at a very young age, accompanying the removal of a microchip or maybe by a ritual having been performed. All of these people are tagged, tracked, and/or influenced through microchip implants. These devices are not too many generations away from the familiar ones being used presently to track household pets and children. In the opening scene of
Conspiracy Theory, Mel Gibson’s ad-libbed monologue even predicts the use of animal tracking chips in humans.

  Alien abductees and super soldiers also often claim experience with MILABS, supposedly carried out by secret stealth craft that mimic UFOs and black operations personnel. Some of the super soldiers claim to be the abductors, and others, the abducted. Since I had run into stories like these long before I ever heard of super soldiers in alien abduction accounts, I am weary to altogether dismiss this aspect of it.

   By the time I had done years of research in the abduction field I had noted a lot of cases relating to these military abductions. What always struck me as the oddest fact was that the abductions would include people that were working on black projects, as well as Nazis and aliens. (Sometimes all in tandem, seemingly working toward a common goal.) Though this appears to be the epitome of this kind of craziness run amok, it is directly supportive of some of the well known work of conspiracy authors. To be specific: Peter Levenda, Jim Marrs, Andy Colvin, Joseph Farrell, Jim Keith, among others. They all paint a world where thousands of Nazis were set up with premium jobs all throughout the worldwide intelligence and military apparatus immediately after WWII. That these Nazis wasted no time building a worldwide network, known as Odessa, or Hydra in some circles, is well known. This network, and it’s progress in illegal mind experiments and eugenic measures evolved into what we commonly understand as alien abductions, among other themes centered around technocratic globalization. Discovering the truth of this would surely help clarify the Neo-Nazi elements at work in these scenarios, as suggested by so many of its victims.

   Most of my peers in different research fields have suggested that if these people were part of top secret experiments that made them more than human, they simply wouldn’t be alive to tell the tale. Others have suggested, Art Bell included, that allowing a few crazy stories to leak, only furthers the program of disinformation because these people are often ridiculed much like alien abductees for simply trying to understand what is happening to them. No one takes this data as the truth, even in adjacent fields like alien abduction. Most of the victims of this explain that they are constantly harassed through programmed headaches, and all kinds of psycho-tronic targeting symptoms; which makes interviewing them quite complicated at times. In my personal experience, interviews have been interrupted by UFOs, helicopters, people disappearing, headaches, and other phenomena. I listened to all of their interviews from America and Europe, I read all their books, I talked with almost all of them personally and at length, except for when they freaked out on me or disappeared entirely.

  Towards the end of all of this I was invited to join the Super Soldier Summit. There was nowhere to go in this field except radio interviews and the Summit, so I figured that my hard work had finally paid off. Of course the person who invited me (perhaps based on what my work dealt with),"forgot" that she had invited me, what I did, or who my partner was; explaining now that my partner would now have to pay his way in, and that I could no longer give a talk on my work. This, after many warnings from people who really did seem to care, really affirmed that this field was hardly a field at all, and that unless you had something to sell, you weren’t part of the real"super"soldiers. Fair enough. That’s what everything comes down to: the business side. Ethics apparently become disposable at the drop of a hat. After so much trouble, it became confusing as to whether this data was super top secret or super made up. I don’t know anyone researching this presently who doesn’t also have a feeling or suspicion that it may all be made up; the stuff of science fiction and collective unconscious nightmare symbolism.

          What I did find while working on this stuff for so long was that it mirrored comic book plots, kid’s cartoons, and even video games in ways that I may never understand. Two of the individuals admitted that it is bizarre how the X-Men and other mythologies parallel their testimony, down to places and dates. This element of the research became the most intriguing one for me. I interviewed comic book artists, and cartoon writers. I refused to let these questions go, asking each one why these themes were present in their work. As they all answered in a way that made me think they had no knowledge of these conspiracies, most of the super soldiers admitted they really didn’t watch stuff like that. Their reasons for not viewing the media broke down to two categories. First was that they simply had no interest in that kind of entertainment. The second was that it triggered things related to, or as a product of, the mind control they had been subjected to. I was left astounded by the fact that the fictional mythologies of the X-Files, and the X-Men, and others were so crystal clear and accurate in portraying what these other people believed they experienced in real life.

Diving into Fiction, Blurring the Lines, Technology and Video Game Handlers
Illustrated version can be found at:

Spider Man
A Spider-Man meets X-Force comic from 1991 shows and uses language that is very clear regarding the destruction of the World Trade Center’s twin towers. Similarly, the towers appeared in the initial trailers for the Spider-Man film which resulted in the preview being taken off the air. Todd Mcfarlane wrote and illustrated both that comic and the first issue of the black alien symbiote saga. The mysterious and alien"black oil"would become Spidey’s black costume and late the villain Venom. Spider-Man resembles a grey alien with his large ocular openings in his mask, and the 90s also put him through a"clone war"similar to that of Star Wars and some super soldier testimony.

Spider-Man Unlimited
        In the first episode, NASA scientists explain that there is a parallel earth on the other side of the Sun. They use circular stargates to teleport a shuttle to Counter-Earth; technology which is similar to that proposed in Michio Kaku's stargate talks of 2011. Before the first episode is allowed to end, we meet the black oil versions of both Venom and Carnage, as well as the characters of Counter Earth who have a religious devotion to one they call the High Evolutionary. Spider-Man also gets really excited over his nano-bot armor, adding to the trans-humanism feel of many of the cartoons of the 90s. The episode concludes with Spidey about to be sawed open by a bunch of genetic experiments that refer to themselves as Beastials, who make it sound cool, like bestiality and Furries (people who have a romantic interest in animal cosplay) are combined into one warrior class.
  The high evolutionary explains in episode two that he was looking for a Utopia, so upon finding Counter-Earth, he built a society out of his own genetic experiments. He considers his technology and creations to be the ultimate achievement of science. The High Evolutionary is referred to as the Wizard of Oz.
Spidey says,"I thought I came through a space warp to get here. Feels more like a looking glass."A potential reference to Project Looking Glass (a device which allegedly allows one to peer into the future) and Timeline 2 (a term for alternate timelines created or transversed both in fictional and potentially real-world scenarios).
Carnage and Venom become obsessed with the Synaptic, a hive-mind which in Jack Kirby's world of characters would be the Eternals’ Uni Mind, or perhaps the nano-hive-mind of the Borg from Star Trek.
   "You're probably the only untagged human in the city. Every human is tagged with a subdural chip."says one of the Counter-Earth citizens to Spidey. This constitutes a strange tangent into RFID and microchipping, something not explored to this degree in Spider-Man’s outings in the funny pages.

X-Men at War
        In the case of the fictional world of the X-Men, socio-politically speaking, they came at a perfect time in 1963 when society needed heroes who embraced diversity and rallied against its many oppressors. America was changing rapidly as Civil Rights cases were popping up all over, and many people wound up in jail, some for their bravery, and others for their hate crimes. Martin Luther King gave his"I have a dream"speech days before the release of the first issue of the X-Men. In a way Professor Xavier’s philosophy seems to be a bridge between Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy’s wisdom. This is the same year Kennedy was killed and Malcolm X was giving talks on defending oneself if provoked by violence. A stance that is not unlike that of X-Villain Magneto. Both real and fictional men have their early lives scarred by hatred and violence toward their families for simply being who they naturally were. Both types of men taking a lifelong vigilant stand against that kind of evil. Both, perhaps, winding up in the trappings of the agencies who seek to control larger societal tides, and whose agendas were masked to both Magneto and Xavier. Also of note, is that in the year when various countries were protesting their government’s choice to further explore nuclear programs, something often considered synonymous both in and out of fiction, is the themes of mutation and alien contact.

          One of the first major points on the X-Men timeline is World War II. WWII was the beginning of the Weapon-Plus super soldier program which was almost entirely destroyed during the creation of Captain America. Captain America and Wolverine worked together on top secret OSS missions against the Nazis and or Hydra.

        The events of Wildcats & X-Men comic books also puts Wolverine with Wildcats member Zealot in a fight against high ranking Nazis who are actually reptilian shapeshifters, also known in the Wildcats mythology as the Daemonites.

“[It] belongs to a race of aliens who have sought dominion over the earth for centuries.“
“Great. Next thing I know, yer gonna tell me there are a bunch of mutatin’ humans tryin’ to start a genetic civil war.“
“I have heard that prediction as well—but it’s not supposed to occur for another few decades.“
-- Wildcats And X-Men issue #1

        These types of stories are not far from the pseudo-historical landscape of Mignola’s Hellboy graphic novels. All around, the theme is the carrying on of Naziesque eugenics and super soldier programs. A theme which hasn’t even been noticed by the public, let alone been documented at all. A good percent of these stories have a alien element to them, as do the conspiracy tales that surrounded the Third Reich during the second great war. However, in the X-Men the alien mythology began to diverge deeper into the territory ancient aliens and modern conspiracy theories, and it became quite complicated in its scope.

        Could it be that the writers were more well read and knowledgeable about this data than most of the researchers of these topics, and before the information was released to the public at large? Were the creative forces behind the X-Men like Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and Chris Claremont receiving their script ideas from a highly placed source in the intelligence field, or perhaps an altogether higher and otherworldly intelligence?

”Only in the last few thousand years did mankind begin to make clothes for himself, build shelters, use heat and grow food in large quantities. With this man-made environment remaining relatively stable, the X-factor became dormant. For reasons still not known to us, we are seeing what some are calling the beginnings of another stage of evolution."– Jean Grey in the X-Men movie

       On one hand, the older mystical traditions, secret societies, and benign cults would say that the current ideas of furthering of human potential is an old idea, and that methods which grant access to psychic abilities have been around as long as recorded history. On the other hand, there are those familiar with mind control methods who insist that these"powers"were programmed into super soldiers over time (in alternate personalities, or"alters”) for use when they’re controllers saw fit to trigger them. Either way, the hope that little Uri Gellar’s and Bruce Lee’s will pop up everywhere at the right time surely resides in the minds of many fans of the superhero genre.

        Vocalist and ritual magician Maynard James Keenan makes a great point in the essay that appears in the liner notes of the album Aenima, where he states that every time a human jumps higher or runs faster evolution is taking place. One only has to watch Shaolin monks, NASA scientists, Spetsnaz soldiers, or basketball players excel at what they do, to notice that they are taking giant steps for all of mankind; actually evolving furthering the full extent of global human potential.

“The future came to me in that craft. I have embraced it and merged with its technology so that I may lead the evolution of the human race. Since when has mankind ever known what it needs?”
-Apocalypse, X:Men Evolution Ascension

        There is some debate over whether the character Apocalypse was the first mutant in Marvel history. (Namor was the first popular mutant to appear in the comics, though he is considered by some to be a hybrid only.) His character certainly dates back to the origin of human culture in the Marvel universe. Most of the events of his early public life took place in ancient Egypt. Obviously, Apocalypse’s team of"Four Horsemen"may reveal his part in the bible’s Book of Revelations. He seems to be an entity rooted in a nearly lost ancient text.

“As long as mankind has existed, I AM. War and strife have been mankind’s proving ground. I have encouraged these things… to ensure that the denizens of the world below grow strong.“
–Apocalypse, X-Factor Annual #3

        Apocalypse, whose real name is En Sabah Nur, was created in June of 1986 by Louise and Walter Simonson and Jackson Guice. Though the character is only as old as issue five in the X-Factor comics, Apocalypse was later revealed to be the first mutant ever, having been spawned some five thousand years ago. He was abandoned as a baby (his tribe feared him to be a demon) and later picked up by a roaming group of marauders and looked after by the character Baal. The demon connotation, especially the regional one in Apocalypse’s case, makes him seem in some ways like Jack Kirby’s idea of the antagonistic Deviants in the comic book Eternals.

        In the"Beyond Good and Evil"mini-series of the animated
X-Men show of the 90s, he gathers psychics in order to generate a"Lazarus Chamber"in a hidden chamber under the Great Pyramid of Egypt, echoing the use of psychics in Stanford Research Institute’s experiments and in Crowley's writing of the Book of the Law (which took place after having spent time meditating in the Great Pyramid).

        The first mutant may have thought himself to exist longer than the totality of human life. He also only lived a life whose goal was to annihilate human progress and then to change the world into mutants. This was a step he saw as necessary for evolution; an obviously eugenics themed agenda. His shape-shifting ability and eventual fusion with alien technology would lead him to control the events of man’s past and to shape his future.

        Those who subscribe to the ancient alien theory will note that all the ancient sacred sites are supposed to be the locations of where ancient alien made contact. Or at least, evidence that these cultures had an alien influence in their art, architecture, technology, astronomy, and mythology. In Marvel comics, these places are the landing zones of the ancient alien races as well, such as The Eternals and Celestials. Apocalypse utilizes the ancient Celestial technology in those holy places (he has a secret base under the Sphinx and under Stonehenge) which eventually bonds with his physiology. Anyone familiar with WWII history, or even 90s action cartoons, will know that he is no pioneer in this geomancy based ley line take-over of the Earth; Nazi Himmler and fictional Cobra have both attempted the same thing. In Cobra and Apocalypse’s case they marked their territory with bizarre energy pyramids that wind up rising into a low earth-orbit"morphogenetic grid."

        The theme of controlling ancient alien technology beneath the surface of the planet that can be entered through trans-dimensional doorways comes up in every fictional/mythical work from the Tuatha De Danann in Irish Mythology to the film Dark City to the new Batman: Brave and Bold cartoon (see episode Equinox). In all of these examples especially with Apocalypse, there seems to be an attempt at direct representation of the archons that seek to control our reality. The term archon has roots in words like lord or ruler, interpretations of the Nag Hammadi text, according to John Lamb Lash and Jay Weidner, have led to an understanding of the archons as being"shapeshifters, deceivers, tricksters,"hive-minded, technological or organically assimilative. These are all also ways of describing Apocalypse and nodes of his never ending agenda. This also lends explanation to other technological takeovers in fiction. Terminator, the black oil from X-Files, the Daemonites from Wildcats, and the Deceptions or more popularly, Decepticons from Transformers all seem to be technological manifestations of an archon-based agenda.

“Since the dawn of time, humans have recorded encounters with strange beings with weird powers and even stranger means of transportation. They've been identified in various cultural trappings. Our tech-minded age chooses to see them as extraterrestrial technocrats, coming to Earth to conduct their experiments.”
In the early 90s there were a couple of shows with psychotic fundamentalists trying to end the world in a manner consistent with their own literal interpretation of prophecy. Mighty Max featured the villain Rage, who was obsessed with his own Book of Rage, trying to hijack the space program.

        Oddly enough, by season two of the X-Men cartoon, we find time travelling super soldier Cable fighting exact replicas of the T-1000 robots from the Terminator films. In one episode they show him consulting his cosmic-computer-cube on a"time stream realignment,"a by-product of agencies with different plans for the future, altering the past so that the future keeps changing to fit their desired outcome. Even stranger, in this future time, the currency simply says"Cube"on it.

        The future timelines of the X:Men include the assassination of their leader, Professor Xavier, and the Age of Apocalypse. A member of a mutant police force, Bishop, travels back in time from the future to stop the Professor’s murder. This parallels Cable traveling through time to fight Apocalypse and stop his perversion of the Celestial Technology. And this is also very much like the T-800 time-traveling in Terminator to protect John Connor and stop the creation of the artificial intelligence, Skynet. An invention which is reportedly already underway in the real world according to the work of Anthony Sanchez.

        The"New Order"of Apocalypse is mostly brought about by the black magic politics of the Hellfire Club, black government agencies, and Apocalypse himself. They employ many tools to achieve this but the one that really forced the end times, perhaps prematurely, was the Sentinels. In the initial pull for Mutant Registration, they were responsible for using the governments catalogue of information on mutants to capturing them and placing them in internment camps, if not out-right killing them. Another World War II reference comes in the form of the mark on Bishop's face. Bishop has an"M"mark over his eye signifying that he is a mutant, much like the star Jewish people had to wear in concentration camps.

Archons         Grant Morrison’s comic, Invisibles, features lead villains referred to as Archons. The term being quite loaded but usually designating some kind of shape-shifting ancient evil capable of possession, control, and deception on massive psychic levels. The word archon comes from the Greek word ἄρχων which was interpreted as"ruler"and"lord.” The real-world idea of Archons has manifested through technology in so many ways. Movies like Terminator, Thirteenth Floor, and The Matrix playing out the worst of"what if?"scenarios regarding the technology, but what if those scenarios aren’t as far-fetched as previously thought?

Top Five Reasons That Technology Could Take Over
        One cannot escape ideas like X-Men members Scott Summers and Jean Grey being monitored throughout their ancestry for possible genetic traits that could play into the eugenics agendas of characters like Mr. Sinister and Apocalypse. In conspiracy circles it is thought that certain bloodlines are picked for their supernatural powers, usually psychic in nature.

“For an amount of time spanning throughout several decades Sinister would observe developing mutant children that resided in the State Home for Foundlings which was located in Omaha, Nebraska. Yet it was in his laboratory under the orphanage where most of his horrific acts took pace. He proceeded to cruelly manipulate the young lives of the mutant orphans eventually attempting to make them his minions while manipulating their adult lives, one of these many victims was Scott Summers."-- Comicvine, Sinister

Wolverine And Marvel’s Super Soldier Programs

"The Project was a U.S. government operation developed to take volunteers and transform them into killers by programming their minds through visual and drug induced suggestion. Typhoid Mary and a man named Roberts are two of the known volunteers. The Project was created by a man named Trevor who has since been killed by Wolverine."-- Wolverine Encyclopedia Volume 2

       There seem to be some unignorable similarities between the accounts of purportedly real super soldiers and those in a particular region of the Marvel Comics universe. When data came forward about Canadian doctor Ewan Cameron furthering the work of Mengele's, it became hard to not see a tie to the fictional Weapon X Program. The Weapon X Program was headed by a mysterious"Professor"who has quite an uncanny resemblance to Cameron. The other two individuals involved were Doctor Abraham Cornelius and NASA employee Carol Hines. As if that weren't enough, with all the replacing and creating memories and traumatic splits in the mind, the symptoms and experiences of Wolverine and other test subjects in that program read exactly like Duncan O'Finioan interviews and Fritz Springmeier's books (who has done extensive research into mind control programs through victim testimony and hypnotic regression). Who was reading whom in the 90s? And how did these cartoon and comic writers know about the Canadian experiments? The story gets stranger when we see that G.I. Joe creator Larry Hama wrote many of the Weapon X issues in the 90s.

"Under the name Logan, Wolverine had already been working for the CIA alongside fellow agents like Victor Creed, the future Sabertooth. The CIA established Project X in order to convert men into"super soldiers"with unusual abilities. The project facilities were set up in Windsor, Canada, through a secret agreement with the Canadian government."-- X-Men: The Ultimate Guide

Season 3 Episode 19 Weapon X, Lies and Videotape

         In this episode, Wolverine travels to Canada to investigate his past. The Canadian professor seems to list the steps of his work as if they are simply chapters in a Fritz Springmeier book.

In the comics, the professor would later have his hand cut off by Wolverine who tracked him down and found him hiding in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Pest Control Division. He was killed by Wolvie’s love interest Silver Fox in Ontario years later.

Wolverine has dreams about Sabertooth emasculating him by threatening his woman, Silver Fox:
Wolverine:"after all we've been through..."(This seems to be a reference to what Monarch researchers would consider trauma-bonding.) Professor Xavier tries to probe his mind and Wolverine screams in agony."Strange tortuous memories pouring out as if a dam had burst." Then Wolverine has a super soldier freak out on his own friends. The Professor:"Hank, I found this inside an envelope postmarked two weeks ago. There was no return address. I've seen this image in his mind. This must be a clue to his delusions. Perhaps it triggered him."
(Self-described super soldier omitted has recalled these same paranoid PTSD related delusions and triggers that cause him to board himself up in his house with all the lights off and his guns out.)
Beast:"You just went in a dream state again, what did you see?"

Wolvie:"Me Being trained to take people out."
"I assume you've been having headaches and nightmares, like Maverick and I, they did something to our minds when we worked here, something code named Project Talos."
(They are standing around in a movie set where they were programmed with false memories.)

Silver Fox:"Take a closer look Logan, you remember these places don't you?”
Beast:"Created Memories, but to what purpose?"
Wolverine recalls memories which contradict the movie set he is standing in. Sabertooth falls to the ground weeping remembering his dad abusing him for being different."Why does somebody want us to remember this, like it’s all bad?"
(According to the literature on mind control, it has been found most effective to traumatize (abuse) a person physically at ages three and five. Later, these people would be bonded with other children and given moments of life that seemed perfect and supportive.)
As Wolverine approaches Silver Fox lovingly, she wards him off.

Wolverine:"The cabin, was that a lie too?"

"Despite initial setbacks, all subjects are responding to the trauma conditioning. We will be able to reintegrate them into society with no memory that we conditioned them. When their covert services are needed they will attack their target and then remember nothing. The key is to reach the subconscious mind. The subjects must be repeatedly exposed to a simulation of extreme emotional trauma. While using psychoactive chemicals, we flood the subjects mind with false memories overwhelming them. Breaking them down, making them controllable. Seems to work best when based on actual life events."-- Doctor

"Aldo Ferro was a crime lord who once owned half the land business in Cuba. During the Weapon X experiment, Ferro used his telepathic powers to implant false memories in Wolverine and other victims. Ferro linked the false memories to the pain receptors of his victims not only because it was more effective, but because he enjoyed inflicting pain on others."-Wolverine Encyclopedia Vol.2

It is made obvious that this set is a movie studio with different rooms to fabricate different childhood memories. An evil robotic archon known as Talos is responsible for their reprogramming.

In the original Star Trek television series Talosians are humanoids who inhabit the planet Talos IV. Talosians have large crania and are telepathic. However, their advancements made them utterly unemotional. They gathered a menagerie of more primitive species so they could observe emotional interaction. They were no longer capable of living on their planets surface and needed to use other species to reproduce in sufficient numbers. The Talosians appear in the original Star Trek pilot,"The Cage,"and capture Captain Pike. They reappear again in "The Menagerie."

"Don't you get it Logan? It was all made up."-- Weapon X, Lies and Videotape

Weapon Plus Program in Marvel Comics

Captain America: 1st generation super soldier
Red Skull
Omega Red
WEAPON X Projects
Wolverine: 10th generation super soldier, actual character created 1974
Silver Fox
Lady Deathstrike
Weapon XV

Note: The Shi'ar also wanted to preserve Wolverine's genetics to produce clones in other dimensions.

        The following is a critical psychoanalysis of the characters found in the X-Men universe, based off of mythological comparisons. In some ways these comparisons can be articulated further into the mythology of the X-Files as well as other real-world magickal traditions and black projects. In order to be brief, this is an abbreviated version of those correspondences.
        A team that started as a group of super soldiers, genetically altered soldiers, technologically altered soldiers, and mutants lead by a time traveling combination of all of the above, the team went from being led by Cable to being the new X-Men. A team that would come to resemble modern black ops teams in uniform.

        The film
X-Men First Class begins with a flipping Nazi coin that is blurred into the X for the X-Men title intro. We see Magneto being traumatized by first the suggestion of, and then finally the murder of his mother right before his eyes. This seems like trauma forced on the young Magneto to test the extent to which his emotions can affect his powers. It may be like Project Talent which tested almost half a million American children in 1960 in under a week, including follow up studies on subjects such as PTSD suffered by Project Talent children who were drafted into the Vietnam war; a program which people like Duncan O’Finioan believes to be part of the MK-Ultra experiments. (omitted) explains that the occult persona is another altar. Might this be like Wolverine being given false memories of traumatic events during his period as Weapon X? Is this why the mutation is often triggered at puberty and the onset of extreme emotional reactivity?

        Magneto is traumatized/mutated by Sebastian Shaw ( S.S. for short ), a black magician who manipulates the powers in the military industrial complex to further his centuries old agenda. He is also responsible for the ideas behind the mutant-hunting robotic sentinels. The beginning of the X-Men First Class film oddly confuses the swastika and X-Men symbol on Kevin Bacon's quarter, suggesting that super human mutation and SS projects are closely tied.

        Storm resonates with Ain Sophia, Gaia, Earth, natural origins and feelings. Storm controls the weather and was considered a goddess in Africa only after being raised under the mind control and ninjitsu like tutelage of the Shadow King- A being that has also been around since the dawn of humanity and feeds off of hatred and psychic host. Just like Hellfire Club member Sebastian Shaw, Shadow King is also a Nazi during WW2.

Jean Grey
        She may represent Isis has power over her third eye, a powerful psychic woman, notably at the side of Cyclops. The first of Xavier’s X-Men, she was seemingly picked first for her level of power/skill/concentration.

        He had his childhood handled in many ways by Sinister, in the animated episode No Mutant is and Island of the original 90’s X-Men TV show, it is revealed that Scott grew up in an orphanage which specializes in brainwashing children to be future world leaders.
Jean Grey and Cyclops
        They lead a team/class/cult/ that teaches children how to control and militarize their powers. This leads almost immediately to going on missions that the Professor deems fit for the continuation of his dream. The X-Men along with X-Force, -Factor, -Caliber, Generation X and Alpha Flight are all privatized guerilla military factions with individuals trained in special skill sets. ( This may not often occur to the reader of the colorful comic books but it must be noted for this analysis, especially as X-Force and X-Force have now merged and dress like a Black Ops team. An invention of prior mentioned comic writer Warren Ellis. It should also be noted that X-Force has always looked like a team of augmented super soldiers, much like the Ravagers ) The beginning missions for Department H and its ex-C.I.A. victims ( pre Alpha Flight Canadian mutant special forces ) seem much like the real Delta Force but with mutant abilities calibrated into urban fighting tactics., while on the other hand, Generation X seemed like a high school with missions for field trips.
        Seem to represent Mary Magdalene turned Whore of Babylon which would be the extreme but necessary psychoanalytic counterpart of Jean’s usual motherly composed nature

Magneto         In the film X-Men First Class, the film begins with a flipping Nazi coin that is blurred into the X for the X-Men intro. We see Magneto being traumatized by first the suggestion, then the murder of his mother before his eyes. In a Project Talent-esque way this seems like trauma forced on the young Magneto to test the extent to which his emotions can affect his powers.  Super soldiers explain that the occult persona is another altar. Could this be like Wolverine being given false memories of traumatic events during Weapon X? Is this why the mutation hits often at puberty, with the onset of extreme emotional reactivity?

       Magneto is traumatized/mutated by Sebastian Shaw. ( S.S. for short ) who is a black magician who manipulates the powers in the military industrial complex to further his centuries old agenda. He is also responsible for the ideas behind the sentinels. The beginning of the film oddly confuses the swastika and X symbol on Kevin Bacon’s quarter, suggesting super human mutation and SS projects are closely tied.)
John Murdoch in the film Dark City is not able to actually change the Saturn Machine until he gets angry enough. Then with the use of his third eye and lots of rage he adjust the physical reality around him to his liking.

Professor Xavier
Inner turmoil and opposition in Xavier can be noticed when he becomes Onslaught, where by the leadership position was really repressing anger and building up Xavier’s shadow into a separate entity. This shadow can be seen as the manipulative experimental doctor not very different from the one who programs and tortures Wolverine. ( The identity of which is still unknown. ) This is similar to the tales of a biblical Father God who is angry and vengeful and seems to have human emotional"hang-ups."Of course the interface for us is this kind imagery of Jesus as savior, the way that Xavier is usually portrayed. These extreme opposites are also exhibited by Jean as she makes her biblical transformation from (Isis, or Magdalene) Mary to the Dark Phoenix or the Whore of Babylon. However Xavier and Magneto’s relationship can be seen as mirroring that of MLK and Malcolm X. One can be used by the elite to orchestrate false flag peace and the other false flag war. Of course this is where Bishop’s mission and morality come into place. Bishop is akin to a Time Lord with militant leanings. The M on his eye standing for Magneto, he alone seems to tie these themes together as he is the one who attempts to assassinate Xavier in one of the timelines…

     The actor who plays Professor Xavier in the first two films is the captain on the bridge of Star Trek Next Generation and the actor who voices him in the 90’s cartoon plays a similar role of taking in a super person in XII.

Mr. Sinister
Sinister is known for his never ending genetic experiments and use of strange techno-organic mind control technology not far from the X-Files or Wildcats. Sinister’s name was Nathaniel Essex. He got his start as a brilliant biologist in Victorian England. Though he became obsessed with the theories of Darwin and his contemporaries, he believed there work to be hampered by fundamentalist moral concerns.

         After losing a son to multiple genetic disorders, and getting no help in funding for his brilliant ideas ( not even from the Hellfire Club ) he began abducting people off the street for his experiments with the help of a group of thugs known as the “ Marauders “. After having finally lost his wife over the attempted resurrection of their son, he aligned himself with another being obsessed with genetics and mutation, Apocalypse. Sinister would continue his work on unwitting hospital patients in America.

“During the 30's he moved to California where he gathered individuals who were subjected to his experiments. While in Los Angeles he fell in love with Faye Livingstone, though he did not admit his feelings. Yet one night when she discovered his secret laboratory she was confronted with the truth. Her genes contained the X-Factor which would allow her children to be more than human. She was horrified by this news and tried to escape but instead she was kept as Sinister's prisoner. For months she was subjected to degrading experiments, breaking her in both mind and spirit. Sinister forced her to see beyond the illusion that was Nathan Essex. Yet one night, during a storm he opened the doors, releasing her without a word or gesture. Eventually she was brought to the Carlysle Nursing Home in San Diego, as she was being overtaken by cancer. She was never married or child-bearing because of her love for Essex, this also meaning that the children Essex had wished for never came to exist. However, during her time in the Nursing Home she received an annual visit from Mr. Essex, who never admitted to anyone, not even himself, why he did this.”  - comicvine, Sinister

        He would work with the Nazis continuing that same work, scaring even the Nazis, he would acquire the nickname “ Nosferatau “ because he had the habit of taking blood samples from everyone. He would give people candy in exchange for their blood, all very Mengele sounding. Later he was involved in the monitoring of thousands of children in holding tanks in a secret base New Mexico.

“After World War II, Sinister's labs were raided by the army of the United States. The journals that detailed his experiments were found by the Weapon Plus scientists Dr. Cornelius, Hines, and Professor. 1946...Project: Black Womb, a government-funded project that performed experimented on babies (most of them mutants) had several important figures working amongst its staff, one of these was Brian Xavier, another was Nathan Milbury (whom most believe to be Mr. Sinister)” - comicvine, Sinister

        In Vietnam, Sinister abducted soldiers and Vietnamese and experimented on them. He also continued studying mutant children and manipulating their lives from behind the scenes, essentially ensuring his role as controller. These mutants included Gambit, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, the Morlocks, Sabertooth, Morph,etc…There is no evidence that Sinister didn’t orchestrate aspects of the X-Men; the team itself, believing them to be a super race capable of one day defeating the seemingly unstoppable Apocalypse.

“[Sinister] uses this persona as he accesses the American branch of the Hellfire Club to seek government funding for what he claims is eugenics work. It isn’t that far off the mark, and is actually welcomed by the foolishly bigoted WASP power structure. What he is able to found is no less than Operation: Black Womb. The project is simple: He will give the US government tidbits of the promise of genetic engineering, and they will give him near-unlimited funding and access to less-than-desirable castoffs of society. They are eager to do so! The mentally ill, racially-undesirable prisoners – prisoners of all kinds, actually – the disabled. Black Womb hardly discriminates. He also is able to channel genetic data taken from socially acceptable people, culled from doctors’ offices across the country.” --

      If these Mengele or Mr.Sinister types are alien themselves or following some alien agenda where by they solidify the importance of genetic manipulation (sometimes publically, but more successfully from the shadows. In Sinister’s case this alien may be Apocalypse and his ancient Annunaki/Archon type influence. Between Sinister and High Evolutionary I dont know who has a scarier more disturbing view of the future of genetics or who had more air time in the 90s cartoons on Fox Kids.

        Mr.Sinister has pale skin and obsesses over genetic and memory based experiments making him a nice parallel to the “men in black” of Dark City, the Strangers; a dying race of alien who need human bodies to survive and living humans to study.
        The fictional X-Men mansion and secret base is in Westchester, N.Y. According to the Andy Pero and John Stormm (altered soldiers or super soldiers) and some others, a shadow agency tried to create real X-Men in Rochester, N.Y., among other locations.
Andy Pero mentions an underground facility in Rochester:
“Much of my training and torture sessions were done right at the University of Rochester, NY. They used to take me to a private room in the attic or top floor of the library.”
“Andy did say he had been abducted by the alien Greys a few times, where samples were taken from him for breeding purposes. One of the more bizarre stories Andy related to me was about his visit to a group of high level Illuminati who were really shape shifting reptilians, that convened in an underground base not far from Rochester, NY. This happened sometime in 1989-90.” --

        It would just be weird if Michael Fassbender (the actor who played Magneto in X-Men: First Class) has super soldier or psi-ability lineage. He’s German and Irish, only missing Native American according to the criteria for super soldiers as professed by those involved. In Jane Eyre, Mr. Fassbender played an anguished, sideburned Mr. Rochester.

“By the end of the 1950s the CIA was funding just about every qualified LSD researcher and psychologist it could find, through such contractors as the Society for the Study of Human Ecology, the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, and the Geschichte Fund for Medical Research. Author John Marks, in his 1975 book, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, identified the CIA’s LSD research pioneers as: Dr. Robert Hyde at Boston Psychopathic Hospital, Dr. Harold Abramson at Mt. Sinai Hospital and Columbia University in New York City, Dr. Carl Pfeiffer at the University of Illinois Medical School, Champaign-Urbana, Dr. Harris Isbell of the NIMH-sponsored Addiction Research Center in Lexington, Ky.,Dr. Louis Jolyon West at the University of Oklahoma, Stillwater, Dr. Harold Hodge at the University of Rochester (N.Y.)” --

        I think many alien abductions are a cover for, Nazi eugenics and mind control programs. But while I’m slinging out parallels. In the "real" world (check the Disclosure/Exopolitics crowd to hear this repeated) there was supposedly a deal or trade made between the American government and a race of alien or transdimensional beings. This deal involved allowing human abductions in exchange for exotic technology. I get the idea that perhaps all the talk about a dying race of aliens that need our genetic material starts to sound like a dying cult desperate to reproduce and spread the mania. I’m talking of course about a cult of Nazism, and it’s current power hold in the military industrial and space complex. We are constantly surrounded in today’s modern science world with the idea that we have to modify ourselves to be better, loved, confidant. So when this kind of robot thinking extends itself to genetics, well, we may already be in trouble.

“…his race would not share technology with the government and, despite their warnings about the big-nosed Grays, the government broke off contact with them, preferring to allow the Grays to trade technology in mind control, beam weaponry and gravitation for silence on part of the United States about their abduction and mutilation operations. The Grays were required to furnish a periodic list of abductees to the National Security Council. But, by April of 1954, it became obvious to the Eisenhower administration that the Grays had broken the agreement and that they were abducting far more people than they reported, including large numbers of children. Since there was nothing they could do about it, they decided to keep the alien presence secret until a way could be found to do something about it."
-- An exclusive interview with Andy Pero, survivor of a secret mind control project, June 13, 2000

Call of Duty: Black Ops
Electroshock, Stolen memories, and the CIA gets too close for comfort

        Themes in the game include: mind control, mental driving, Kennedy, Cuba, and the Cold War. It is basically an interesting mix of real world black operations in history. The game begins with your character, Alex Mason, being strapped to a chair. Out the corner of the screen one can note nine television screens. They play random footage of Kennedy, Russia, China, Castro, and repeat until they all align to an image of one giant eye across all nine TVs.

The Call of Duty wiki informs us about the first level:
Mason is asked questions by an unknown interrogator about a numbers broadcast which is being used to contact Soviet sleeper cells in the United States.

Interrogator: "How can you be sure you really know what happened?"

"Focus Mason...try to remember"

"Why did you do it Mason, why?"

"The numbers Mason what do they mean?"

"You know why you’re here!"

Bluish bright light coming from above.

"You can stop all this now"
"Why did you trust him"
"We're running out of time"
"It's up to you Mason, it's all up to you"
"You killed him Mason. You did it. No one else. Just you."
On the right below the TVs, is a smoking cigarette in an ashtray and surgery tools. There are five and six digit codes on many small instruments and machines. The lights start beating with Mason's heartbeat. There is a whispering voice repeating"I am"without stop and a woman and a man can be heard discussing something but it is not entirely audible.
Mason: “Who are you?"
"That's not important, what is, is who you are. The numbers Mason what do they mean? Where are the transmissions coming from?”

Meanwhile electroshock is administered which causes Mason to see strings of seemingly random digits like the ones found in the room. He also begins receiving memory of the 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion related to a Project 40. (In real life, David Ferrie of the Kennedy assassination conspiracies trained pilots for that CIA sponsored fiasco in Guatemala, but not before supplying Castro with weapons to war against Batista. After the Bay of Pigs, Kennedy promptly began clearing house in the intelligence community.)

“You will break, American"

It is made apparent that Mason was a "gift" to the Russian Castro alliance. (On April 19th, 1961 two American CIA agents were taken hostage and executed; Angus K McNair and Howard F Anderson.) Reznov fights Mason to distract the guards in a labor camp in Vorkuta, U.S.S.R. Here it is relayed for the first time, in an unrelated context, some of the steps of Mason's programming. These steps are also repeated during the almost assassination of the President.
Mason, in Vorkuta: "I was on my own ...almost a year. They used tear gas. It never left me.”
Then the interrogator explains that he was handed over to Jason Hudson.
“Jason Hudson was my new handler"

As Mason is walked through a memory of the the Pentagon, an attractive blonde stares him down. "We were watching you the whole time. You were getting close to your objective. This inner sanctum was built in 1943, we rarely use it. Jack Ruby and Oswald flash on two of the eight TVs in the background.
"I can't get these fucking numbers out of my head"

Operation 40 August 12, 1969
The documents (3 pages) inside the game under “Intel” show us that the objective of Operation 40 was to "bring about the replacement of the Castro regime with a regime more devoted to the true interests of the Cuban people. This is very similar to the debriefing Eisenhower and Kennedy was actually given on the Bay of Pigs before it went entirely sour. This file also inform us that mason was born Sept 6, 1960. A file on Vorkuta reveals about Reznov: "his fate was irrevocably changed following a post war mission to the Arctic Circle." (This could be related to mission to the Thule, the Nazis and the beliefs from the book, The Coming Race.)

The Rebirth Document is very interesting as well, showing places in the US with military facilities, charred bodily remains, and what appears to be an alien skull. This document is also marked CIA.
The Revelations document refers to Mason as a proverbial "Manchurian Candidate.”

In the “Zombie” game-play mode, it is revealed that a merciless German scientist developed a zombie and a super soldier serum. In this mode in Call of Duty Black Ops 2, you play a super soldier after the world has ended and zombies run rampant trying to piece together puzzles related to the Nazi Bell Project, time travel, the super soldier serum, black magick, and bizarre experimentation related to a zombie virus. This may tie back to the Thule Base in some way as well.

It is more to encourage those capable of the right kinds of research, to look into this phenomenon, as they have failed alien abductees, maybe they could be moved to help, if not simply correctly define, these people and their experiences, so this can be understood more clearly and not lumped in with Hollywood stereotypes and under the breath commentary, as the abduction phenomenon has become in general.

Thank you for your time.
Your Truth Is Out There.
Thanks again for reading, and I hope increased interest in this area will help to build a better resource for researchers and experiencers alike. I will continue to work with all the wonderful experiencers who have been patient enough to work with me for all this time and hope to have a full book out in a year or so. The next parts will cover a timeline, soldier profiles,, interviews, full illustrations throughout, more about aliens, the nazis, star children, genetic experiments, dream training and every super soldier film, show, game, and fiction possible.!

Other Projects of ours:

Highly Suggested Essential Resources for the Collection of this Data

Extra special thanks to editor Violator Hellspawn without whom I might may never make sense, Alara Blackwell for hours of interview and friendship, Colin Reid, James Rink, Michael Prince for his time, Solaris BlueRaven, Miles Johnston for all his hard work, David Marrow, Andy Colvin, Chris Carter, David McDermott, Michael Edens, Douglas Dietrich, Melinda Leslie, Max Spiers, if I left anyone out please forgive me. Without most of you this would have been impossible.

This was written by a guy who doesn’t get paid for studying any of the related fields and has no agenda but understanding a bit more about reality. I work for no one and therefore nothing I say is an instrument in someone else’s agenda. (Of course I could be mind controlled, but from my perspective I just payed too much attention to these people’s interviews and my comic books and so this thing came out.) I ask that before you judge me or a single one of these people you do your research. Before long you will be questioning instead of judging, like the rest of us now are. I don’t want the world to turn out dark and gloomy and I don’t want to push for any more conspiracy obsessed distracted idiots who refuse to read or meditate to go around pummeling people with the “truth”. We didn’t ascend in 2012 and Terminator doesn’t run the world yet. Many of the headlines in recent weeks regarding DARPA and technology in general have already surpassed some of the more far-fetched ideas mentioned in experiments done on super soldiers. Times are changing and confusing, try to hold on to reason. I’ll see you in Part 2 where we take a look at John Stormm and Tyler Clark.

If you are an experiencer of this phenomenon and would like to share your experience in some capacity with others that have had these experiences contact


-Frank ZeroFrank Zero is a part of the organization Psycube. Don’t worry about us, we’re just over here watching Doctor Who and eating pizza.