Beyond the Black Rainbow: In Depth Multifaceted Analysis Frank ZeroAs an older gentleman puts in a tape, he presses play and begins to watch. “Hello my name is Mercurio Arboria,and I am the founder of the Arboria Institute It has long been my dream to find a perfect way for people to achieve happiness contentment inner peace these seem to be things that strangely allude us all But it doesn’t have to be that way...” explains the man we assume is watching oat a much younger more idealistic time, with what looks like a toupee (David Ferrie) lit in a kind of sinister red light.(in the video) (Note: His son or research director also has removable hair ,as well as some strange contacts for his eyes) He explains to be at the forefront of neuro-psychology Mental driving and polite brainwashing are necessary. These methods are used on the film watcher themselves during this time.A Practical Application of an Abstract Ideal Born of a Dream To Create A RealityA Different way to Think A New Way to Believe(Using tones reminding me of L.Ron Hubbard)The intro to the film puts you through a kind of surreal and comforting New Age explanation (or trance rather) of the origin and original mission of the Institute, although even in its introductory stages, there is something not to be trusted. Because this links so clearly with the history of SRI and Esalon, while carrying out secret programs and lying to their subjects, it is hard to ignore the similarities in paranormally gifted youngsters being farmed out through some type of MK-Ultra type depatterning. Super Soldiers John Stormm and Alara Blackwell both had personal experience with this alternative type of "schooling" in the areas of both SRI and close to where the X-Men have their fictional mansion.These experiments relate to a psychedelic experience about mid film which rips any control you may have had over the plot to shreds drawing you deeper into a kind of Kubrick mind control experience. He has an erotic reaction to sensation in certain circumstances, he is like the shadow of the villain in the Cell, he is HAL. His obsessive sexual attraction to Elena borders on very disturbing after telling of her mom in a sexual certain context.the Minotaur in the labyrinth Barry Nile-Alien sent to monitor Cold War sleep agents with militarized occult powers, MK-Ultra relocated Nazi doctor fan, Tavistock, Allen memorial type doctor?
"Beyond the Black Rainbow has been called a "Reagan-era fever dream". Its paranoid, 1980s Cold War mood contains nods to the late US president - through clips of ominous televised speeches by Ronald Reagan himself - and former Panamenian general and convicted drug lord Manuel Noriega (Dr. Nyles's "Noriega" jacket). The south american dictator had direct involvement in the "Iran-Contra" scandal. Noriega's fight against the Sandinistas, Nicaragua's left-wing guerrilas, was backed up by the CIA and the Pentagon. The CIA funded Noriega's military campaign with profits from the illegal sale of arms to Iran. The CIA also turned a blind eye to Noriega's drug trafficking."-BTBR wikipedia
The Black Oil
Are we really in the East for Oil? Did elements of a shadow government start the war before 9-11?Why does the double-tap method of drone strikes not do anybody any good? If they are so precise and get ourAre we really in the East for Oil? Did elements of a shadow government start the war before 9-11?Why does the double-tap method of drone strikes not do anybody any good? If they are so precise and get ourMiles Johnston and I discussing the black oil While the towers burn and my curiosity is perked, nothing seems more plausible than a simple coincidence.
So just like in Spider Man Unlimited, we see him jumping through time and space gates, Before we get into programs and the meat of the super soldier data I would like to wrap up those human potential Before we get into programs and the meat of the super soldier data I would like to wrap up those human potential The black oil seems to be as old a curse or demonic entity as the beginning of time, it's attributes can be seen (Douglas Dietrich's interviews detailing the future of the Temple of Set on the west coast as a necessity for new Oil in occult and etymological terms roughly equals black gold or oil as money. Oil=black gold and so of course So the oil, as is demonstrated in real life provokes war, in South Park the BP oil company accidentally drillsSo the oil, as is demonstrated in real life provokes war, in South Park the BP oil company accidentally drillsThe black oil mythology in the X-Files weaves in and out of the super soldier story, sometimes appearing The black oil mythology in the X-Files weaves in and out of the super soldier story, sometimes appearing
1983At one point he receives an incoherent call from some kind of inhuman or digital entity that he understands the language of perfectly. "Yes a comprehensive list has been prepared" , Barry tells the extra disturbing being on the other side making garbling static sounds.The nurse, who seems to also work in a record keeping capacity, adds quite an interesting flavor to the film as she wanders to what we suppose would be forbidden areas of the Institute and finds a book hidden within a cube that forms out of the wall into a drawer containing the book. (The cube in wall theme repeats in the film taken in the context of 2001, this box, often black or red may symbolize the revelation or contact point for a certain character. One which disturbs the woman to no end. Who wouldn’t be jolted by blue-prints of female sexual torture devices, alien mating manuals and psychic parasite diagrams, and floating brain beings portrayed as if they dwell in some real realm undiscovered by the uninitiated, yet still around us...studying us?Only problem is...these text exist in the throngs of literature put out by one Val Valerian. In his book Matrix 2 (1991) he explains that the NSC and similar organizations having list of abductees or projects, that they held in conjunction with aliens. This may explain the garbled and disturbing call explained above. In the same book Val explains in detail the way a human agent-host body would be slowly taken over by an alien soul, as part of a migration of souls to infiltrate the planet as one possibility of "evil" alien activities, this would explain when Barry takes his hair piece of and loses it.Repeated use of pyramids are interesting as well. Barry asks if she has had any headaches during what seems like a torture influenced therapy session, ( A bit of a contradiction in terms.) Eventually she has a psychic reaction after being driven to rage after he repeatedly clapped the pen against his clipboard.The character Rosemary is not allowed to sleep on Barry’s watch. A hint at sleep deprivation.He and his father have fake hair, are Esalen meets HAL personifications, the shape-shifters, the reptilian brained archons if you will. He feels smarter than anyone, and they try to play this off as psychosis...I believe there to be more layers, this psychosis is allowed...perhaps programmed in by the older man (hence the strange sense of underlying resentment- though I wouldn't wanna give some creepy old guy his toe shots anyway...In one long Oedipus nightmare sequence he emerges into a black oil liquid, so much so, that he vomits a good deal of it up.
This links to all other black oil assimilation themes (link or below) , but here he gains the perspective of the third eye "Let the third age of enlightenment begin!" says the older doctor... Yes, Peter the Black Oil he removes from his eyes is like Krychek . You can tell the nurse doesn't know the real project, compartmentalized professionalism. Intelligence organizations depend on these willingly naive middle man to help the idea of a front for their true often nefarious purposes. We see so much of this these days.The destruction of idols or family is demonstrated clearly when the nurse crumples the image of what Elena believes to be her mother. Here Elena seems to contradict training where she is supposed to let this not effect her, and in a act of control loss and passion psychically annihilates the woman by making her head explode through thought only. Dr. Niles is overjoyed at this overkill response to minimal mental provocation. Like Kevin Bacon after shooting Magneto's mother in X-Men First Class and watching him react and show his true power. Trauma unlocks power. It's as simple to that to the people who couldn't find better methods over decades of mind control experiments. It seems to function in a contemporary sense, to coexist with psychotronic abuse, and like the colors in the film-mental driving.
SRI and the X-Men gone wrong. Kubrick and mental driving. The conspiracy of simply making a great film
In one way the color schemes are bursting and blushing with feminine colors, ones that seem to represent parts of the body contorting in smoke, a true Wonderland of curious hallways and unknown caves, in another radically different way the colors are clinical paranoid, artificial. This in some ways drags out in scenes meant to refamiliarize the watcher with the dry expressions of HAL from 2001, the dark synical double life of an intelligence agent. This mirrors the current world consciousness as it splits among even free thinkers, the divide between the New Age light and love crowd and the fundamentalist conspiracy and newer Truther movements. Just like any intelligence organization or even Batman, these people become obsessed with dark rooms with mega computers that have files upon file on their friends and enemies alike, living, no scrambling on bottom chakra pains such as survival and dominance only masked by a suit and credentials if your intelligence...perhaps an X-Files shirt and sandles if your civilian intelligence but either way these ideas are covered in the film, in my opinion through color.
Barry Nile puts his patients through different type of care, perhaps evolved from his father’s methods. He is cold, robotic, yet ultra-sensitive and feeling in some distant unreachable way like his patients. However unlike his patients there seems to be no way back for him. He resembles an evil scientist, a MIB agent, Maynard during the Lateralus tour among other things. His patients whiles as medicated as he is seemingly are for the most part sleepy and lazy, while he retains a very Christian Bale Dark Knight demeanor. Is he possessed by alien intelligence that makes him do these things? Is he, like the Men In Black some sort of hybrid or robot? If so why are we allowed to see him put up such human emotional defense? How does his mad scientist conviction turn him homicidal. How does his intelligence and perhaps lack of care for others turn to a American Psycho like rage?
He remarks “this is the highlight of my day” He drives an expensive car but the institute does not seem to make much money...a possible hint at government funding. The character may even remind us of Ewan Cameron or Prof X in some way (perhaps more of Onslaught- the unchecked demi-urge turned alien orders -the 9 anyone?)
The film reminds me of SRI projects being ill monitored, and certain Nazi/alien types doing experiments there. He appears to most characters like an alien or contactee. He himself suffers from OCD, and has quite a working knowledge of medical science and hypnotism. (on a hidden level)
He locks up the feminine and respects but regulates nature. Much like the structure she escapes from, Fueller's facility, represents these ideas. Dr.Niles is the minotaur. He is the demon, the survival, the resources.
She is the vision, the feeling, the realness, besides the vegitation.Peter Basel “Remember, "he" is possessed by whatever he found during the experiments in the flashback “
Later Barry is helpful in action but seems disgusted at the state of the old doctor, wanting nothing to do with death and decay he tries to escape in his mind to more logical concerns seems feelings don't seem to work too directly on him.Sync: Black Rain (maltreatment of women, egoism) Rainbow-Bridge to Asgard, beyond the void and on to the spectrum Going beyond the expected spectrum Sensuanauts, synthetic pleasure, the controllable golem or beast, or...
troops out of harm's way, why are there more civilian casualties? Is it really just about getting the "bad guys" Some time in November 1991, a new artist was furiously scribbling his detailed clutter style into the mainstream, and into my adolescent life. Obsessed with cyborgs,energy blast, and gun play; Todd Mcfarlane was just the guy to have mixed massive castle moving characters into a duel of endless destruction, the likes of which, Manhattan may have some trouble processing now as the strange sync of the destruction of the WTC towers, jumps right out of one of the first pages.
However when one tracks Mcfarlane to the black oil; the alien virus that can possess people and comes seeping onto a spacecraft during a mission to the Moon (in the Marvel Universe and the film Species). Multi contextual clue seeking leads us in all kinds of unsure and exciting new places. For instance does Spider Man represent a grey alien? Is the world wide web an idea that suggest that one black and possesed entity waking in it's previously artificial intelligence is speaking through our very media!!!??? Probably not, but don't stop thinking...
Notice the nifty newer Spidey suit has the same naively
positive perspective on trans-humanism that Spider Man Unlimited exhibits.and having clone and genetic problems that lost him a ton of 90's readers.
or occult related ideas, so habitually misunderstood by those who study this kind of stuff and attempt to get all readers, regardless of possible lingering belief systems, to a new, more all inclusive system.
intertwined with ancient spiritual invocations. In some ways linking up with Eastern systems that deal in jinn and western systems possibly employed by even low ranks of the U.S. military*![](
recruits, and the furthering of Satanism and abuse in the military.)is related to Saturn- limitations and physical things. Oil allows the rich to keep getting richer, and oil destroys the earth when turned surface currency . Those who care not for this, care not if millions die in war, or of starvation. It is apparently too far from their concern whatsoever. Lovecraftian deities out from the ocean floor and then threaten to drill the moon (Moon=memory or feminine)![](
In the X-files, the black oil possesses people and controls them by entering through the eyes. The idea that they come from underground and or Antarctica mirrors many Tony Jay (animated) films and shows where he repeatedly plays a false flag alien invader willing to make deals with the government, not keeping his word and like Cobra from GI Joe drain the Federal Reserve... (See Ninja Turtles Season 9, Invasion America ,Joe, etc (Note similarities between Dregg, Invasion America Lord Dredd, Captain Power Dredd, and Doctor Who: Pirate Planet)as a mercurial looking metallic substance that is identical to the same one that Doggett (Robert Patrick) finds himself in, in Terminator.
David Marrow and many other members of the altered soldier community have claimed operations on, alterations to, and organic beings added to, or removed from their spinal cords. Sometimes these entities relate to the black oil.
I wonder where it all came from?
....7000:17:24,150 --> 00:17:27,700than any of the othervacation islands. (noting the resemblance between CIA safehouses and vacation getaways)7100:17:49,009 --> 00:17:51,011Aloha means welcome.7200:17:52,387 --> 00:17:55,812It also means love...7300:17:58,059 --> 00:18:01,029and all too soon...7400:18:06,693 --> 00:18:09,697Farewell.7500:18:41,353 --> 00:18:42,525...rocket launchers,7600:18:42,604 --> 00:18:45,653while the Soviets have producedmore than 13,000,7700:18:45,732 --> 00:18:48,781a staggering 14-to-1 ratio.7800:18:48,860 --> 00:18:50,988They didn't stopwhen their forces exceeded7900:18:51,071 --> 00:18:54,041all requirements of a legitimatedefensive capability,8000:18:54,115 --> 00:18:55,742and they haven't stopped now.8100:18:55,825 --> 00:18:58,704But today they're building weapons8200:18:58,787 --> 00:19:02,257as sophisticatedand modern as our own.8300:19:02,332 --> 00:19:06,508As the Soviets have increasedtheir military power,8400:19:06,586 --> 00:19:09,339they've been emboldenedto extend that power.8500:19:09,422 --> 00:19:11,550They're spreadingtheir military influence8600:19:11,633 --> 00:19:14,557in ways that can directlychallenge our vital interests (Building end-world, Cold War fallout paranoia's ripe for the cult punce)8700:19:14,636 --> 00:19:16,513and those of our allies.8800:19:16,596 --> 00:19:18,223The following aerial photographs,8900:19:18,306 --> 00:19:20,729most of them secret until now,9000:19:20,809 --> 00:19:22,937illustrate this point in a crucial area9100:19:23,019 --> 00:19:24,862very close to home...9200:22:11,646 --> 00:22:14,490The Devil's Teardrop.9300:22:18,153 --> 00:22:20,030Barry?9400:22:21,156 --> 00:22:22,658Barry!9500:22:46,848 --> 00:22:49,647Oh.9600:22:49,726 --> 00:22:52,730Barry, you startled me.9700:22:54,439 --> 00:22:56,942I thought you were an intruder.9800:23:02,947 --> 00:23:04,745What are you doing?9900:23:10,788 --> 00:23:13,337Barr)',10000:23:13,416 --> 00:23:16,716you're not wearing your appliances.10100:23:21,591 --> 00:23:23,514I don't want to wear them anymore.10200:23:29,182 --> 00:23:30,058But...10300:23:31,768 --> 00:23:36,319It's just you haven't let me see you...10400:23:38,066 --> 00:23:40,740without them in a long time.10500:23:52,372 --> 00:23:54,750Where did you get that outfit?10600:24:00,088 --> 00:24:03,763Has something happened?10700:24:21,276 --> 00:24:22,653Sometimes...10800:24:24,946 --> 00:24:28,621Sometimes I--I forget...10900:24:30,201 --> 00:24:32,579how hard it is for you.11000:24:38,293 --> 00:24:40,091I'm sorry.11100:24:41,963 --> 00:24:44,557I."11200:24:44,632 --> 00:24:47,431I...l should have11300:24:48,386 --> 00:24:52,983been there for you more.11400:25:02,233 --> 00:25:04,486Barry?11500:25:08,031 --> 00:25:10,409Are--Are you okay?11600:25:36,017 --> 00:25:38,861L...I'm not...11700:25:42,023 --> 00:25:45,778I'm...I'm not...I'm not okay.11800:25:53,368 --> 00:25:56,087I went to another world, Rosemary.11900:25:59,290 --> 00:26:04,638I see what others cannot see.12000:26:11,636 --> 00:26:12,728Please.12100:26:13,596 --> 00:26:18,147I looked into the eye of the god.12200:26:20,019 --> 00:26:22,317It looked right back through me.12300:26:22,397 --> 00:26:24,525It looked through everything.12400:26:26,859 --> 00:26:28,327Rosemary,12500:26:29,904 --> 00:26:34,125it was so, so, so beautiful.12600:26:37,578 --> 00:26:40,206Like a black rainbow...12700:26:44,836 --> 00:26:46,804and it chose me.12800:26:48,089 --> 00:26:50,217It chose12900:26:50,299 --> 00:26:55,430 to reveal itself to me.130