Are we really in the East for Oil? Did elements of a shadow government start the war before 9-11?
Why does the double-tap method of drone strikes not do anybody any good? If they are so precise and get our troops out of harm's way, why are there more civilian casualties? Is it really just about getting the "bad guys"
Some time in November 1991, a new artist was furiously scribbling his detailed clutter style into the mainstream, and into my adolescent life. Obsessed with cyborgs,energy blast, and gun play; Todd Mcfarlane was just the guy to have mixed massive castle moving characters into a duel of endless destruction, the likes of which, Manhattan may have some trouble processing now as the strange sync of the destruction of the WTC towers, jumps right out of one of the first pages.
While the towers burn and my curiosity is perked, nothing seems more plausible than a simple coincidence. However when one tracks Mcfarlane to the black oil; the alien virus that can possess people and comes seeping onto a spacecraft during a mission to the Moon (in the Marvel Universe and the film Species). Multi contextual clue seeking leads us in all kinds of unsure and exciting new places. For instance does Spider Man represent a grey alien? Is the world wide web an idea that suggest that one black and possesed entity waking in it's previously artificial intelligence is speaking through our very media!!!??? Probably not, but don't stop thinking...
Notice the nifty newer Spidey suit has the same naively positive perspective on trans-humanism that Spider Man Unlimited exhibits.
So just like in Spider Man Unlimited, we see him jumping through time and space gates, and having clone and genetic problems that lost him a ton of 90's readers.
Before we get into programs and the meat of the super soldier data I would like to wrap up those human potential or occult related ideas, so habitually misunderstood by those who study this kind of stuff and attempt to get all readers, regardless of possible lingering belief systems, to a new, more all inclusive system.
The black oil seems to be as old a curse or demonic entity as the beginning of time, it's attributes can be seen intertwined with ancient spiritual invocations. In some ways linking up with Eastern systems that deal in jinn and western systems possibly employed by even low ranks of the U.S. military*
(Douglas Dietrich's interviews detailing the future of the Temple of Set on the west coast as a necessity for new recruits, and the furthering of Satanism and abuse in the military.)
Oil in occult and etymological terms roughly equals black gold or oil as money. Oil=black gold and so of course is related to Saturn- limitations and physical things. Oil allows the rich to keep getting richer, and oil destroys the earth when turned surface currency . Those who care not for this, care not if millions die in war, or of starvation. It is apparently too far from their concern whatsoever.
So the oil, as is demonstrated in real life provokes war, in South Park the BP oil company accidentally drills Lovecraftian deities out from the ocean floor and then threaten to drill the moon (Moon=memory or feminine)
In the X-files, the black oil possesses people and controls them by entering through the eyes. The idea that they come from underground and or Antarctica mirrors many Tony Jay (animated) films and shows where he repeatedly plays a false flag alien invader willing to make deals with the government, not keeping his word and like Cobra from GI Joe drain the Federal Reserve... (See Ninja Turtles Season 9, Invasion America ,Joe, etc (Note similarities between Dregg, Invasion America Lord Dredd, Captain Power Dredd, and Doctor Who: Pirate Planet)
The black oil mythology in the X-Files weaves in and out of the super soldier story, sometimes appearing as a mercurial looking metallic substance that is identical to the same one that Doggett (Robert Patrick) finds himself in, in Terminator.
David Marrow and many other members of the altered soldier community have claimed operations on, alterations to, and organic beings added to their spinal cords. Sometimes these entities relate to the black oil.
Footnotes: James Cameron = Abyss Avatar and Terminator which all link into the super soldier program in one way or another. Abyss is close to some of Aaron Mccollum's experiences, Avatar is always referenced by the group, and Terminator has many aspects of the phobias and dangers alike related to the emergence of artificial intelligence.
Aaron's story echoes ideas of human/dolphin hybrids, a Gulf of Aden Stargate and is one of the soldiers who participates in taking people in military abductions or M.I.L.A.B.S.
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